Pavlos Poulos

Mathematician seeking to implement his knowledge of mathematics to a
Junior Developer position in a challenging environment.


Blog (Website)

Website that Login and Register users. Each user can make a post, comment on other's user's posts e.t.c.

Python, Flask, SQLite, PostgreSQL, HTML5, CSS, Jinja, Encryption

Movie Lister

Fetching from an online database the movie you search for. Adds it in your online list with metadata and your review/score

Python, API Requests, Flask, HTML5, Bootstrap, Jinja.

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Flight Deal Notifier

It sends an SMS on my mobile phone, whenever it finds a cheaper price of a flight.
The info of the flights are uploaded on an online spreadsheet.
It searches the next 6 months of data.

Python, API Requests, Object Orient Programming, Data Structures, Files.

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Stock Price Alerter

Sends a SMS to my mobile phone whenever a price drop occure in stock price of TESLA. Also, it includes the top 3 News about this specific stock!

Python, REST API, Requests, Authentication

Data Exploration

Here I completed a data exploration of a dataset, using SQL Queries.

SQL, Queries, CTE Tables, Temp Tables, View Tables

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Data Cleaning in SQL

Cleaned the Nashville Housing DataSet with a bunch of SQL Queries.

SQL, Queries

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Advanced Dashboards

This is my profile on Tableau Public where I create Dashboards, graphs and anything related to Data Visualization.

Tableau, Data Visualization, Spreadsheet, Excel, Google Sheets

Tableau Public

About Me

I am a highly motivated and detail-oriented professional with a strong foundation in mathematics and programming. My passion for solving real-world problems and developing elegant solutions has led me to explore both full-stack development and data science fields. I possess the skills and expertise to design and develop sophisticated web applications, as well as analyze complex data sets.

I am constantly seeking opportunities to learn and grow in my field, and I am excited about the prospect of working on projects that challenge me to think critically and creatively. I am a collaborative team player with excellent communication skills, and I thrive in environments that value innovation, integrity, and diversity.

When I'm not working on programming projects, I enjoy reading, hiking, and exploring new places. I believe in the importance of work-life balance and strive to maintain a healthy, well-rounded lifestyle.

If you're interested in learning more about my work or collaborating on a project, feel free to get in touch. I look forward to hearing from you!


You can find me on Socials such as LinkedIn, Twitter, GitHub and Tableau Public!
